Sunday, October 30, 2005

EVDO Rocks!

Incredible. 75MHP on the highway with a laptop logged into Sprint's EVDO (3G) Service between Boulder and Denver and logged into Radio Paradise pullng a 64kbps stream.. solid and strong. Plug it into my 3mm jack, pipe it through the car audio system and you've got unlimited XM type digital radio. I pulled over in an office depot parking lot to write this (also on the EVDO) as I continue to listen to the music.

This changes everything. I wonder what guys with narrow and short range wireless pipes are going to do when WiMax starts to role out.

Verizon's got EVDO, as does what I'm using (Sprint). Card is free ($249 - $149 with a special 'additional' $99 off special FREE card). Service is $60 a month if you've got a sprint phone, $80 if you don't. (Unlimited throughput). Not quite as cheap as my cable modem, but one hell of alot more useful.

Bandwidth meters are giving me a consistant 350-500 speed. Not the 2MB that Sprint says 'is possible', but close enough to DSL to be the same thing. And TOTAL mobility.

Nice work. Awesome service. A new world of data and mobility.

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An excellent read from an ex-evangelical.

  As you know, I once was an evangelical megachurch pastor and my pastoral career stretched over many years. Eventually, I could no longer t...