Saturday, April 22, 2006

A high school teacher's experiment in fascism

Click on the title above (or cut and paste this into your browser):

Read it all. Don't wimp out. Ask yourself: can this happen again? Ask yourself: do our political leaders use tactics like this today? Even a little? Just a enough to bend things and create, at least in shadow form, some of what the world experienced in the late 1930's and 1940's? You know.. 'just a little'?

1 comment:

Helen said...

That is far too scary.
I hate it, but I'm glad I read it.

Your blog is often like that ... pointing me to things I wish weren't there to know about.

An excellent read from an ex-evangelical.

  As you know, I once was an evangelical megachurch pastor and my pastoral career stretched over many years. Eventually, I could no longer t...